What if there was a better way to increase Diversity & Inclusion in your organisation?

Diversity is hard to measure and inclusivity rarely gets measured at all.

Gender Fitness proactively tracks the gender balance and inclusivity of your business meetings, creating better outcomes and greater innovation for you.


Meetings matter. Meetings are the pulse of your organisation’s culture.

Introducing the Gender Fitness App.

Gender Fitness is a simple yet powerful tool which helps your staff to surface core organisational behavioural patterns—and this creates a greater awareness of diversity and inclusivity. This gives your team members day-to-day chances to contribute to and improve your business.




If you’re interested in measuring your organisation’s Gender Fitness, contact us today

Amazing progress, one day at a time.

Real-time scores based on the feedback of others means your staff can evaluate their improvement over time.

Gender diversity of meetings

Does the meeting organiser invite a gender-diverse group of attendees?

Inclusion of meetings

Do attendees have the ability to contribute in a constructive and meaningful way? And is their contribution appreciated?

Your Gender Fitness score

Simple yet powerful insights to help you run more diverse and inclusive meetings.

“Whenever you include a group that’s been excluded, you benefit everyone.
And when you’re working globally to include women and girls, who are half of every population,
you’re working to benefit all members of every community.
Gender equity lifts everyone.” —  Melinda Gates

Why measure the gender diversity and inclusion of your meetings?

With benefits like these, the question should really be “why wouldn’t you?

Achieve greater results, together

Decisions made and executed by diverse teams delivered 60% better results

Cloverpop, 2017

Get there faster

Teams that follow an inclusive process make decisions 2x faster with half the number of meetings.

Cloverpop, 2017

Make better decisions

Inclusive teams make better business decisions up to 87% of the time.

Cloverpop, 2017

Increase productivity

By involving your staff and giving them a voice, you will decrease disenchantment and increase productivity.

Forbes, 2019

Attract and retain talent

78% of employees say a workplace where people are treated equally is important to them.

Randstand, 2018

Lead in innovation

Inclusive companies are 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their market.

Bershin Research, 2015

Simple enough to be easy, powerful enough to spark change

Synced with
your Calendar

Automatically loads meetings and captures invitee data.

and secure

Your feedback isn’t connected to your name.


Works on your smartphone or desktop.

to access

Integrated with your organisation’s single sign on.

Keeps you
in the loop

Notifications let you know when your score changes.

Know where
you stand

Compare your score against the average of your organisation.

Monitor improvements
over time

Look at your progress in detail and harness the data for good.

Busy schedule?
No problems.

Available 24×7 so you can rate your meetings when it suits you.

Want to learn more about measuring and improving diversity and inclusion? We’re here to help.

There’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that regular measurement of inclusive behaviour within diverse organisations supports a large range of positive business and personal outcomes. Read the latest, and learn how to improve the inclusivity of your meetings, with our helpful and informative resources.

Take your first step towards
more diverse and inclusive meetings

If you want to find out more about how it can help your organisation,
contact us and we'll be in touch.
